Friday, March 27, 2020

Important Information About Acs Chemistry Practice Test

Important Information About Acs Chemistry Practice TestAcs Chemistry Practice Test is one of the few free online tests given by accredited colleges and universities. Though you can take it for free, it is essential to read the brief description about this test in order to prepare yourself for it well. The examination has several main features like color-coded question paper, multiple choice questions, essay questions, etc.This test is supposed to be a complete reflection of your real life knowledge at the time of admission into the actual school. By now you must have understood the importance of studying properly before approaching the test. You have to make the best out of the opportunity of having a free test. You can also go for a private option.As the Acs Chemistry Practice Test offers two tests which can be taken from official CCI site and a free downloadable version. At this point you must be able to know which one to choose because both are meant for the same purpose.Online ve rsion of the CCI CCEM test was first introduced in 2020 by University of California. Soon, the test has become the number one college admissions test for all accredited institutions.Many students would prefer to take the test online as it has lots of benefits. In order to gain access to this test, you need to log into the CCEM website from anywhere in the world. It takes a couple of minutes and you will get the access to the test's website where you will be given the option to submit the forms.You can take the test depending on your individual student needs. But you have to remember that the results will not be sent directly to the college you have selected.There are several advantages of taking this test such as it can give you the important information about the courses you need to study, how your marks are going to be calculated and the rankings of your peers in the University. So, take this test as soon as possible as otherwise you may be wasting your precious time and effort an d nothing good comes of that.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Listening Exercise Downton Abbey

Listening Exercise Downton Abbey This weeks listening exercise is using Downton Abbey, the popular British drama. The speech in this montage is quite a challenge and is really interesting. Although, I dont think you will hear this type of English a lot these days, the dialect is still similar to modern British English. If you really want to challenge yourself and your English listening abilities try this short exercise.1. Im ______ Toms small talk is very small indeed. 2. If I were to search for logic I _________ not look for it among the English upper class. 3. What a ________, I thought we might be in for something dreadful. 4. Guilt has never played a ________ part in my life. 5. I wonder your _________ doesnt grow heavy, it must be like wearing a ______round the clock. 6. Ive no ________ said yes, then you come back with another request. 7. The _____ thing we dont want is a ________ in the family.Writing Exercise: Have you seen Downton Abbey? What is your favorite series? Why? Does your country have good series? Do you normally watch your favorite series on TV or on your computer?


GTunion GTunion Good Teachers Union began in 2009 and has helped over 1000 teachers from all around the world find teaching jobs in China. Our primary objective is to not only provide you with a suitable job in China but also help you have a positive and memorable China teaching experience. We also promise to save you time by finding a great school for you to teach at without any of hassle. Using Good Teachers Union to help you find a job makes your life easier. WHAT WE PROVIDE Moving to China on your own is an exciting but also intimidating decision for most. Our promise to you is that we will help with any problems or questions you have during your stay in China. We understand that moving your entire life to China is a big deal and we are happy to offer unrivaled customized support to make your transition and stay in China as smooth as possible. We don’t charge you any fees for our service. It’s completely free! OUR SCHOOLS The schools that we work with are put through a strenuous vetting process to make sure that they are up to our high standards. We want the best working environment possible for our Good Teachers Union teachers. Unlike other companies who drop you off at the door and leave you on your own, Good Teachers Union will offer you a strong support system until your teaching contract is finished. GTUnion GTUnion TU (Great Teacher Union) is a professional education and employment agency which located in Beijing the capital city of China, the company has five years of history on hiring English teacher from English speaking country for a big range of organizations. After five years hard work and sincere communication, the company built up stable co-relationship with dozens of organizations and language training centers in China, the target of the company is that establish a cultural and linguistic bridge between the western countries and China

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Introducing italki Articles!

Introducing italki Articles! Were happy to announce our newest feature  italki Articles!   italki Articles are cultural and language learning tips which have been exclusively written by italki teachers and language learning enthusiasts for the italki language learning community. Weve got thousands of italki teachers on italki teaching all the worlds languages. Many of our teachers have some great language learning tips and advice that theyve accumulated over years of teaching their language. Many of our teachers are also great writers. italki articles allows these teachers to share their experiences with language learning and culture with the entire italki community. Types of italki articles italki Articles are actually helpful for both students and teachers alike and will generally fall under the following categories:   General Language Learning Tips For example: 10 things I can do to become fluent in Spanish, or 5 Ways to Improve My Spanish Listing Skills, etc) Detailed Language Learning  Tips For example: Vocabulary or Grammar points, Ex. When do you use ustedes, vosotros and nosotros? or Common Spanish Sentence Structures, etc.) Cultural Learning   For example: The importance of XXXX in Spanish Culture, A Spanish Christmas, How Knowing Spanish Will Help you Reach the BEST Place in Peru!, etc Currently most of the article will be written in English however as more and more articles are added and we get more article writers submitting articles, we may be adding articles in different languages.   Discuss italki articles One great feature of italki articles is that they automatically create their own topic for discussion in our Discussion forums. Oftentimes the author of the article will comment so you can ask them direct questions about what they have written. Are you interested in writing an article? While italki Teachers are the main authors of italki articles, we actually will accept articles written by anyone who is an avid language learning enthusiast.  If you are interested in possibly writing an italki article, read our FAQ on Article Guidelines and Requirements. Well be updating articles regularly so check back often for fresh new cultural and learning tips on italki!

The Truth About Learning a Language as an Adult Its Not that Scary

The Truth About Learning a Language as an Adult Its Not that Scary 3 Things You Should Know as an Adult Learning a New Language Do you still have a monster living under your bed?When we become adults, most of us leave behind the irrational fears and superstitions we had as children.That usually includes saying goodbye to the imaginary monster under the bed.However, most of us adults still approach learning a new language by treating it like the monster under the bed that scared us when we were young.Thinking about it freaks us out irrationally and were sure well never survive it.I hear you, but I have good news for you:  learning a new language as an adult doesnt have to be scary! The Truth About Learning a New Language as an AdultThe truth is, adults can learn languages as easily as those in their younger years. In some ways, adults even have a leg up on those little whippersnappers since adults better understand their personal strengths, weaknesses and learning styles.Its easy to be jealous of children who grow up in bilingual atmospheres, but you better believe that becoming a bilingual adult can be almo st as easy as becoming a bilingual child.If you feel like you need a pep talk every time that you open a language-oriented textbook, pay close attention to what Ill tell you today.And, most importantly, remember that you’ve got this.Seriously, you’ve got this! Have confidence in yourself in all things that you pursue.The fact alone that youre fluent in your mother tongue is proof enough that we all possess the intelligence to pick up a language.No matter your personality or preferred learning style, there are some things that you need to know and understand when learning a new language.3 Things You Should Know as an Adult Learning a New LanguageBelow youll find three things that you need to do if you want to successfully learn a language as an adult.These arent either/or suggestions, though. You pretty much have to do each of these things to at least some degree, otherwise it will be much harderâ€"if not impossibleâ€"to succeed in your language learning quest.1. Immerse Yourself in the Language Youre LearningNearly everyone agrees that if you want to truly learn a foreign language, you need to do so in an immersive environmentâ€"or at least create a learning environment thats as immersive as possible.Its often hard to find or create that immersive environment, to say nothing of the challenges of moving to a foreign country to learn a language! Fortunately, this is where adult language learners have an advantage.Adults have the ability to choose their surroundings on a day-to-day basis. Its up to you to recognize these opportunities in your everyday life and take advantage of them.For example, spending time at restaurants that serve food associated with the language that you aspire to learn can factor into your cultural immersion and language learning experience. You might just find a new favorite if youre open to trying different cuisines.Next, you need to learn the slang. We all aim to sound like a native, right? Knowing the proper slang words will make y our new language skills more practical and guide you as you assimilate into a new culture. Slang words are the difference between conversing in the classroom and in the real world. As you can assume, slang words will give your conversations excitement and authenticity. It creates common ground, and mastering a few slang phrases in your target language will help you manipulate the language and create your own phrases.Now that youre hopefully sold on the importance of “slanguage,” its a good idea for you to listen to music in your target language. Take the time to do the research, pick a few favorites, create your go-to playlist and grab your headphones.Listening to music in your target language will allow your mind to become familiar with the nuances that you may not read about in your textbook. Music is catchy and you wont even realize that youre learning!Podcasts are another great resource to foster success in your new endeavor. Some podcasts are even made specifically for thos e learning the language, but you can also learn a ton from podcasts geared towards native speakers, as long as you choose something that interests you. For example, most languages have some podcasts that discuss topics in the news, and as you rise through the ranks to become an advanced speaker, itll be important for you to stay in the loop with current events.As an adult, you take in a vast amount of information every day. Use this to your advantage and be sure that youre gaining your new knowledge bilingually.2. Integrate the Desired Language into Your Everyday LifeA perk of being an adult learner is that you have control over your schedule. As an adult youre able to organize your own life, and this is a huge win.As weve already seen, its important to immerse yourself by putting yourself into situations where you can have as many opportunities  as possible to speak the language. However, just because you hang out near people speaking a language doesnt mean youll automatically lear n the language through osmosis. A lot of the time, youll need to actively do things to help you learn.If you crave language immersion but are unable to spend a significant portion of time in the native land of the language, it’s time to get creative. Think out of the box and transform your home into a language immersion paradise.For example, many of us study a language in school when were young. However, we often dont learn anything, or we forget what weve learned immediately after weve regurgitated the answers for a test (lets just blame that bad habit on the monster under the bed). Still, why not turn that experience into something positive? Dig out your flashcards or word lists from primary school and get to labeling! Repetitive viewing of these labels throughout your home will help work vocabulary memorization into your everyday life.And if youre a newbie to your language (or if you threw out your old class notes), you can even find pre-made vocabulary stickers that you can st ick all over your house! Use your advantage of being the adult in control and re-decorate your home with bilingual notes. As an added perk, the time that you spend labeling your home counts as studying!As you look around your well-labeled house, youll realize that you can hack nearly every aspect of your life and your surroundings to help you learn more effectively.For example, theres no need to push your Netflix habit to the back burner to create more time for studying. Instead, keep watching your favoritesâ€"only change the audio language or add subtitles! The same goes for TV shows and movies. Far from being merely a distraction from your learning, they can be amazing tools to help you learn quickly.If you prefer stationary words to moving pictures, picking up a written publication in your target language from your local bookstore is a great way to learn. Reading in a foreign language can be intimidating at first but if youre persistent, youll thank yourself later. Find a genre t hats your jam. Especially when starting out, it helps to choose fun things that youve already read or are familiar with in your native language.Whether youre reading a magazine or the subtitles on your TV, save new words and phrases that you find and review them later. This can be done easily when reading digital materials so its a good idea for you to check them out as well.The next part of creating your own learning environment is perhaps the most effective: find someone to share your new passion with. Whether its a coworker, a friend or a dear family member, its likely that someone near you also wants to improve their lives through the power of language.Adults also have a leg up in terms of mobility and increased social possibilities. Take advantage of these opportunities and connect with someone who also wants to learn a new language.If theres already someone in your life who speaks your chosen language, great! Connect with them and commit to speaking. Even if some interpretive dance is required, the fluent you from the future will thank the present you for reaching out to your language partner.If you dont happen to already have a speaking partner, seek out communities of like-minded aspiring language learners. If utilized properly, social media sites and apps  like Facebook and Twitter can be huge assets. Type your new language into the search bar and get to scrolling. Before long youll find an account or group that you can confidently learn and grow with.When you find yourself surrounded by others who can encourage as well as challenge you, theres less of a chance that youll fall behind or, worse, abandon your language commitment. Even from a distance, the group mentality is proven to work.Its important for you to not be shy about practicing! No one expects perfection, but everyone is appreciative when they know youre trying to learn to communicate with them. Nobodys perfect, and thats OK!Which brings us to our next topic.3. Understand that You Exist on a Language Learning CurveOur brains are like muscles and, just like the ones we have in the rest of our bodies, if you practice enough, muscle memory will start to kick in. Practicing a new language engages your brain and requires you to listen, think and process new information, but after a while those processes start to become automatic.However, it doesnt become automatic immediately.  Theres no doubt that learning a new language is tough stuff. The consistency of the time that you put in will ultimately dictate how quickly youre able to pick up your new language.So while you may not get there immediately, youll get there eventually. Learners exist on a language learning curve, and thats a positive aspect of the process. I guarantee youll reach a point when it begins to click in your brain. Just like magic, youll find it easier and easier to make word associations and retain information in your target language.As mentioned before, youre an adult, so you can do what you want! The a bility to be in charge of your schedule is key to fitting language learning in when its best for you. On that note, set some short-term and long-term goals for yourself. Its also a great idea to include them as part of a broader goals system, to ensure that youre held accountable.Your long-term goals will enable you to plan where you want to be in a year or several months. Your short-term goals will help you concentrate on integrating the language into your everyday life in the here and now, while also breaking your big goal into more chewable bites.  As youve gathered from reading this post, the control that you command over your own life as an adult is an asset and luxury that children dont have. Take advantage of this fact! Youve earned it.Youre never too old to expose yourself to the joy of learning a new language. Nobody ever said that it was going to be easy, though.But if you want to learn a language, the time that you put in will be worth it. Keep your eyes on the prize! Sta y motivated.Now that youre equipped to conquer a new language, go out and do it! Theres nothing that can stop youâ€"not even a monster!Katie Reese is a freelance writer with a passion for languages. She has a love for cultures that differ from hers and believes that every person has something to offer the world. Language is a superpower that serves to open others up and learn from their life experiences.

Whats up with WhatsApp You Can use WhatsApp for Language Exchanges!

Whats up with WhatsApp You Can use WhatsApp for Language Exchanges! Whats up with WhatsApp? You Can use WhatsApp for Language Exchanges! The world has moved on.Gone are the days of using text speak and awkward emoticons ;-) to fit your meaning into 160 characters.No more bashing those number keys until the letter you want finally appearsâ€"over and over and over again.No, these have been replaced by emojis, GIFs and endless conversations in WhatsApp groups.Did you know that more than 55 billion messages are sent using WhatsApp every day? And that 1.3 billion people use it every month? That’s roughly the population of India!WhatsApp is a versatile and instant way to communicate with people all over the world. So why not use it for your language exchanges?A language exchange is a partnership with a person or people who speak your target language and who want to learn the language you speak. You practice each others languagesâ€"and make friends along the way! Its a powerful, fun way to quickly progress in a language.Language exchanges are often done in person, but that can limit you if you don’t live in a particularl y multicultural area. Thankfully, WhatsApp has come to the rescue to help you meet language exchange partners with your phone. The basics of using WhatsAppInstall the appThe basic WhatsApp app is completely free to use. Messages and calls use your Wi-Fi or data serviceâ€"meaning no more hefty bills for contacting your friends. (As long as youre  careful with your data service!)You can get the app for Android phones, iPhones, Windows phones or your Mac or PC. Just visit your relevant app provider online and search for WhatsApp, or head to the WhatsApp website and click the appropriate links.Download the app, go through the setup as guided and you’re on your way!Add your contactsAs part of the setup, WhatsApp checks whether the contacts in your phonebook have WhatsApp and allows you to start a new chat with them. To do so, tap the speech bubble in the bottom right corner of the app and search the alphabetical list for them.Every time you add a new contact to your phone, this proce ss should occur anew. If you don’t see a contact in the list, tap the breadcrumbs (three dots in the top right) on the New Chat screen and tap Refresh.You can also add new contacts directly in WhatsApp. Simply tap New Contact on the New Chat screen.Key WhatsApp features for language exchangesWhy is WhatsApp so good for language exchanges? Here are the key features and how to find them:Text messagingThe most basic use of WhatsApp. Simply tap New Chat or select an existing chat on the main screen of the app, tap the text box, write your message and press send.Pictures and videosIn the text box, youll see a paperclip. By tapping this, you can access your camera and take a picture or video right there and then. You can also choose a photo from your gallery to send one you’ve taken or downloaded before.Select it, add any caption you want and hit send.Emojis and GIFsYou can make your messages more visually interesting by adding an emojiâ€"a little pictorial representation of a face, a nimal, symbol and much more. Choose the smiley face to the left of the text box, scroll, select and send.Youll also see the option to choose a GIF, which is an animated picture, often taken from movies or TV shows. These are increasingly popular in online exchanges!Voice notesThere’s a little image of a microphone next to the text box. Hold it down to record a spoken message and release to send. If you decide you don’t want to send it, swipe left while you’re recording.Voice and video callsAt the top of the chat window, theres a little telephone icon and a video camera icon. These allow you to make a voice call or video call respectively. This is free with Wi-Fi and uses your data connection if you’re not connected to the internet. But remember, this can add up if you don’t have unlimited data!Group chatsSome people are members of so many groups on WhatsApp that they don’t know how to keep up! To create a new group of three or more people, go to New Chat and tap New Grou p.Choose your contacts, give your group a memorable name and icon and chat away! Group chats allow texting, pictures, videos, emojis, GIFs and voice notes, but not video calls or voice calls.I’ll go into a little more detail below about how to use these features for your language exchanges. But first, lets dive into how to find a language exchange partner through WhatsApp.Whats up with WhatsApp? You Can use WhatsApp for Language Exchanges!Nervous about chatting with an actual native speaker? It helps if youre already at least a little familiar with the native accent, regional slang and the culture.If youre looking for a method to improve those skills, FluentU is the way to go!FluentU makes it possible to learn languages  from music videos, commercials, news, inspiring talks and more.With FluentU, you hear languages in real-world contextsâ€"the way that native speakers actually use them.Just a quick look will give you an idea of the variety of FluentU videos on offer:FluentU really takes the grunt work out of learning languages, leaving you with nothing but engaging, effective and efficient learning. It’s already hand-picked the best videos for you and organized them by level and topic. All you have to do is choose any video that strikes your fancy to get started!Each word in the interactive captions comes with a definition, audio, image, example sentences and more.Access a complete interactive transcript of every video under the Dialogue tab, and easily review words and phrases from the video under Vocab.You can use FluentU’s unique adaptive quizzes to learn the vocabulary and phrases from the video through fun questions and exercises. Just swipe left or right to see more examples of the word youre studying.The program even keeps track of what you’re learning and tells you exactly when it’s time for review, giving you a 100% personalized experience.Start using FluentU on the website  with your computer or tablet  or, better yet,  download the FluentU app from  the  iTunes store  or  Google Play store.Find your WhatsApp language exchange partnerWhat to look for in an exchange partnerOf course, the basic criteria for your exchange partner is that they want to learn your language and you want to learn theirs. Ideally, you want a native speaker, but a language learner whos proficient can be just as useful. However, there are a few other key points to look for, too:Try to find someone who speaks your language about as well as you speak theirs. I know from experience that it can be frustrating and even embarrassing when youre able to have a conversation about global geopolitics in one language and can only talk about family and pets in the other. Ultimately, its most rewarding if youre able to make progress at a similar rate.It helps if you have something in common with the person you choose. The main purpose of the exchange is to improve your language ability, but language exchanges are more successfulâ€"and more fun!â€"when you als o enjoy speaking with each other. Awkward conversations dont make for great learning. Sharing an interest in sports, music or movies gives you a solid starting point.Find out your prospective partner’s motivations for improving. If theres a clear objective, the exchange is more likely to last for a decent amount of time. For instance, if you’re looking to learn Spanish for when you travel to South America next year and you meet a Spanish speaker preparing for a year of study in the USA, you can help each other prepare for those goals.Once you know the kind of partner you’re looking for, you can start making those connections.How to find WhatsApp language exchange partners onlineThe world is a big place, and most of the people who speak your target language are probably far away from you. Luckily, there are websites dedicated to helping you find them.The key is using sites that have a page dedicated to language learners searching for WhatsApp exchanges. The website  Language.Ex change  is the perfect example.MyLanguageExchange is another outstanding resource for finding a partner, as everyone lists their native language, target languages and location. You can also search by age and gender or specify whether youre looking for video or text message exchanges.You can also take a look at discussion pages, where people learning your language will reach out. They give you a sense of their personality, which can help you determine if youll be a good match. For example, take a look at  this post  on the amazing website, italki.If you want even more options, get in touch with people via Reddit. It has subreddits (message boards) dedicated to any language you could hope to learn, as well as ones for finding exchange partnersâ€"like the Exchanging Languages subreddit. The great thing about a subreddit like this is that people often give details about what theyre looking for, so you can keep an eye out for posts like this one, in which someone is specifically looking for people to use WhatsApp for a language exchange.How to find WhatsApp language exchange partners in personUsing WhatsApp for your language exchange doesn’t exclude you from talking to that person face-to-face, too.A great way to find people in your area is to join a group on Meetup. Using this site, I was able to find a weekly language exchange that took place at a bar near my house. By getting the contact information for locals who spoke Italian and were learning English, I was able to build a network of language exchange partners. By meeting them in real life, I was also able to find out the kind of person they were and get a sense of whether we’d be a good match.Once you meet these people face-to-face, you can keep in touch with them using WhatsApp so you dont have to wait for your next Meetup to practice.How to make your WhatsApp language exchange successfulSet ground rulesA key feature of an organized language exchange is a time limit for each language, e.g. 10 minutes in English, then 10 minutes in German. This may not be so formal on WhatsApp, but its still a good idea for you and your partner to set expectations from the start. You dont want to feel short-changed because youre only speaking one language. That isnt much of an exchange!Similarly, make sure you give each other an idea of your availability and how often you want to message. This is also an incentive to maintain the exchange regularly. Finally, it’s good to agree that youll  correct each other’s mistakesâ€"this is helpful and will keep either of you from taking it personally!Use WhatsApps key featuresRemember those features I mentioned above? That was the technical bitâ€"here’s how you can actually use them to augment your language-learning experience on WhatsApp:Text messages. The great thing about texting is that you have time to edit, check your grammar and look up words you don’t understand. Text regularly and correct each other when relevant.Voice notes. For me, this is t he most useful WhatsApp feature for language exchanges. We all know that, no matter how good you are at writing and reading, it can be difficult to overcome awkwardness and doubt when speaking. We also know that understanding native accents can be really tough. With a voice note, you can listen and re-listen to your partner’s messages, rewinding to sections you didn’t catch the first time. You also get plenty of time to plot out your response. This is an outstanding way to build your confidence speaking in your new language.Pictures, videos, emojis and GIFs. You might think these are frivolous compared to the other features. However, these features add depth to your interactions. Emojis can be used to help your partner understand what you mean when you use unclear language; pictures and videos are ways to incorporate your culture into your conversation; and GIFs, well, they’re just fun. I’d also encourage sharing memes in your language: humor can be one of the hardest things to grasp in a new language, so anything you can do to help your exchange partner improve will be appreciated.Video calls. When you can’t see each other in person, what better way to practice than talking through video? Schedule a time and duration in advance, make sure you’re somewhere with a consistent Wi-Fi connection and chat away.Join group chatsEarlier, I mentioned group chatsâ€"use them! Even if you only know one person via your exchange, you can both add friends to the group who are learning the other language and make it more fun, varied and engaging.Here are some techniques to make the most of those bigger groups:Open a conversation about where you are and what youre doing. The great thing about WhatsApp is that you can instantly connect with people in different countries. Share a video of a typical cultural experience from your country and encourage others to do the same. This is a perfect opportunity to get into vocabulary that you might not otherwise know.Share rele vant articles, blogs and videos that youve seen online, either in your target language or your mother tongue. This is an ideal way to give your exchange partners some authentic material.A really handy thing about WhatsApp is the reply function. By swiping right on an interlocutors message, you can reply specifically that message. This means that, even if the conversation has moved on quicklyâ€"WhatsApp groups have the tendency of getting away from you if youre not looking at your phone for a while!â€"you can go back, pick up on specific words that are used in another language and ask about them. You can also correct those little mistakes others make. Trust me, theyll appreciate it!A group chat gives a different dynamic to a language exchange. Try it out!Once you start your WhatsApp language exchange, keep it up! Set reminders on your phone to chat with your partner regularly and talk about what’s going in your life to keep the conversation current.Who knows? You could make a frien d for life.

What Is A Chemistry Tutor?

What Is A Chemistry Tutor?A chemistry tutor is a person who studies chemistry and teaches people how to do it. If you have made the decision to become a teacher, then this is the right career for you. You may ask what exactly a chemistry tutor does, but at first you will find that it is a daunting job, especially if you are fresh to the subject.This discipline is considered to be one of the most important and exciting one as a teacher. After all, it is one of the first scientific disciplines to be applied to practical applications. That is why it is not at all surprising that it has now become a very successful career.In the past few years, this subject has become a very popular job option in America. There are now many schools that provide courses in the subject. Students can study and obtain a degree, depending on their choice. This would include jobs as a chemist in the pharmaceutical industry, an agricultural scientist, or even in a research lab.If you want to make a good salary with this career, it is important that you spend some time studying about the subject before you start your work. You may decide to do an internship with a company or university. During your internship, you will need to learn a lot about the discipline, including both theoretical and practical parts.Most companies hire polymer chemistry tutor as it helps in their development of new products. There are even organic chemistry tutor who work for international organizations. These people may use their expertise to develop new pharmaceuticals for the market. With the success of these new technologies, other companies are able to develop even more.These are just some of the benefits that would come out of the job. Besides being paid well, this could also lead to having fun and satisfying work life. Most teachers find it very fulfilling to have their students turn out to be so good in their field of study. Since they are required to be there all the time, their students get to improve and learn.The field of science has just taken such a leap forward. If you want to be a teacher, then this is the perfect career for you. Since you have a strong understanding of the discipline, you can be a role model to the young ones as well. If you think that you would like to be a chemistry tutor, then start by looking for a school or university near you.